If you suffer from chronic pelvic pain, it can be exhausting and demoralising. There are so many possible causes of your problem that it can be hard to get a clear diagnosis. If you are suffering from pelvic pain that has lasted for six months or more, then you are in the same position as around 1 in 6 women.

Common Causes Of Chronic Pelvic Pain

The three most common causes of pelvic pain are

  • Endometriosis
  • Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Less Common Causes Of Chronic Pelvic Pain

The causes of pelvic pain can be hard to identify. There is a wide variety of disorders that can lead to this sort of pain. The issue could be gynaecological, gastrointestinal, urological, muscular, skeletal, neurological or psychological. In other words, almost any system in your body could be the culprit.

This does not mean that there is no hope or no treatment for you. It can mean that it will take a while to narrow down the options. That’s why it can be a good idea to see specialists that can investigate your symptoms. They will be able to decide one way or another if your condition is within their area of expertise. They will be able to do this more quickly and efficiently than your GP

Seeing A Specialist

Gynaecological issues cause around 20% of cases of chronic pelvic pain. So, if you haven’t seen a gynaecologist about your concern yet, then you should consider doing so.

Dr Phillipe de Rosnay is a specialist who understands the complex nature of chronic pain. He can help you rule out a lot of options, and find some insight into the cause of your pain, and how you can move forward. You can make an appointment to see him in west London today.